Today is Friday the 12th of September and I am way behind in my blog posts! We only have 2 days left of our 16 day tour! I have missed blogging from day 2 until day 14! Sleep has been far more important than sitting up late trying to do my ‘diary’ of the day because our days have been very full, with early mornings and sight seeing filled days. We have also had very poor internet at most places. Believe me I have taken hundreds of photos, and there are many that I would love to share, but picking out the best photos and then trying to upload them would be a nightmare! So until I have spare time and a better internet, which will probably be when I am in London, I won’t even bother trying to write another blog post.
We are all healthy and happy and have had so much fun. The tour of the Baltics is not one of the most favoured tours, but it has been very interesting, and full of history. I can’t wait to write about Sarajevo and share in the photos and stories told. Dubrovnik is a place I will never forget, and the Mostar bridge!!! Anyway… more on them another day.

It’s 11.30pm and we are off to bed listening to the far off beat of music. We are in Brasov, Romania and tonight is the night for the 2014 Romanian Music Awards! Apparently the best musicians from all over Romania are playing in the old town square right now. Flashing lights are lighting up the night sky and there are hundreds of extra people here that have come to see the live show. Lucky for us, most of the bands (perhaps all of them) are staying at our hotel… NOT! And the majority seem to be on our floor. I wonder how noisy it will be when the show has finished and they all venture back to their hotel rooms?
Oh well, we only have to be up and about and ready for breakfast at 7am! Walking tour of Brasov starts at 8am…… Nice!
Follow up… We had a great sleep. Apart from meeting a young man in his boxers in the corridor, all was relatively quiet 🙂