So….With Japan now having a massive earthquake followed by a very destructive Tsunami, Robin (my husband) has been hot on the trail of working out why???? He has put his theory on his blog and now spends hours searching the web for more info. Along with his previous passion of proving the ‘global warming’ belief wrong, we now lead a very interesting life! I sit on my computer doing this blog, facebook, and then also fit in my passion for scrapbooking and mainly music, while he sits on his computer doing his blog and further searching and listening to scientists around the world. We do sit in the same room though and still share meals and coffee breaks. Hehe….actually it works quite well! We are both in our mid fifties, and I seriously wonder what the next decade will be like for us! C5 also shares our lounge room and as she is on her second year of nursing, she also sits at her computer and studies. C6 sits at the BIG lounge table and does her homework, along with keeping up with all her friends via facebook or texts! And….I know that if any of our boys were home, they would be sitting with their laptops as well! We are quite a technology focussed family really. C1’s life is Business cost anaylsis via a computer program. C2 designs and markets Samsung laptops. C3 writes songs and raps on them via the computer, and C4 sells computer games via itunes eg. his new game
On Wednesday we are heading down to C4 and D3’s wedding in Featherston….yay…I can’t wait. They have been going out for 6 years and have amazing lives individually and also together. C4 with his computer stuff and D3 with design and modelling. They live in Sydney and are travelling to New Zealand on Tuesday. C4 was his friends best man only one month ago here in New Plymouth. Here is a photo of them both…

Aren’t they a gorgeous couple. I’ll be adding photos of their wedding as soon as possible 🙂
On the 26th of March I am heading off for a 2 week holiday in Sydney catching up with C1, D1, G1 and G3…and then the last week, C4 and D3 as they should be back from their honeymoon. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone again. It’s so sad that it takes a holiday overseas to see family and yet also exciting to be travelling!
But, back to reality. I have so much to do for mainly music before I take off for the wedding and holiday. Mainly music theme day is the first week back and it needs to be organised before I go. So, I need to get planning and preparing!
Lets hope there is also better news concerning Japan and their nuclear woes next time I write. It is such a worry for all! And after so many have already died 🙁