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From my husbands Blog…

I can’t put in words any better than my husband has said on his blog page

www.kiwithinker.com … there is a link to this on the left sidebar 🙂

so I have just copied directly from his site…

Advocating for CO2

Posted on May 19, 2013 by Anthony

Typical newspaper and TV articles which refer to CO2, malign it as a pollutant and some sort of horrible gas that we should do our utmost to get rid of, by not making it, or burying it deep underground.  It is inferred that we’d be far better off without it.

Therefore, as I am able, in any discussion on global warming and the ‘warming’ effect of CO2, I try to frame our perspective of CO2, making reference to the absolutely essential part it plays in the natural life cycles of both plants and animals.  Simply put, without CO2 life would not exist.  It is an essential part of both photosynthesis and respiration.

For instance, on 1 May I was privileged to be able to address a New Plymouth club on global warming.  Early in the presentation, before getting into global warming, I made a few points about the importance of CO2.  Here are the talking point bullets from the slide.

  • CO2 is essential for life
  • Solar energy, CO2 and water, photosynthesis
  • Carbon atom is the building block of life
  • Atmospheric CO2 is where plants get all their carbon
  • Plant growth increases with increased CO2
  • With increased CO2 plants require less water
  • CO2 is not a pollutant, lemonade bubbles, cooking

Recently I was pleased to stumble across a few more instances along these lines.  I recommend them to you.

On 8 May the Wall Street Journal, published an item titled Harrison H. Schmitt and William Happer: In Defense of Carbon Dioxide.

The article starts

“Of all of the world’s chemical compounds, none has a worse reputation than carbon dioxide. Thanks to the single-minded demonization of this natural and essential atmospheric gas by advocates of government control of energy production, the conventional wisdom about carbon dioxide is that it is a dangerous pollutant. That’s simply not the case. Contrary to what some would have us believe, increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will benefit the increasing population on the planet by increasing agricultural productivity.”

One of the points made by Schmitt and Happer is that increased CO2 causes increased plant growth.   A week later, on 15 May, a post at The Hockey Schtick highlights a New paper finds a large CO2 fertilization effect greening the globe since 1982.

The abstract of the paper is here  CO2 fertilisation has increased maximum foliage cover across the globe’s warm, arid environments.

“… Using gas exchange theory, we predict that the 14% increase in atmospheric CO2 (1982–2010) led to a 5 to 10% increase in green foliage cover in warm, arid environments. Satellite observations, analysed to remove the effect of variations in rainfall, show that cover across these environments has increased by 11%. Our results confirm that the anticipated CO2 fertilization effect is occurring alongside ongoing anthropogenic perturbations to the carbon cycle and that the fertilisation effect is now a significant land surface process.”

Lubos Motl at The Reference Frame added an interesting perspective with an article titled Why we should work hard to raise the CO2 concentration.

And Andrew Montford at Bishop Hill shared a video of Professor Happer being interviewed by CNBC.

So there you have it.  The most maligned gas in our atmosphere; is essential for life, there is very little of it, and without doubt it ought to be treasured instead.

All of the above is from his blog. I hope you find it interesting. I do, but one in the family trying to change the worlds beliefs in enough…and it is very time consuming!!!

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Enjoying home again

Came home a week ago to beautiful weather although definitely colder than when I left for Sydney. It’s lovely to be back home but I do miss my Sydney family. Just as well they need me to look after the grand daughters again…I am going back over on the 30th of May until the 17th of June…another 18 days!

I’ve been such a busy girl though since I got back home. I have pruned trees, mowed lawns, made jam, baked, helped to clean out Mum and Dads house(they have moved to Airport Drive and their house is now for sale!), celebrated Mother’s Day, been to church and home group, and entertained!! Phew!!!

Today I invited a few friends over for a cuppa and catch up. Decided it was an opportunity to do some spoiling by making it High Tea. I am lucky enough to be looking after Mums beautiful bone china tea sets, and I just HAD to use them. I try to be so gentle with them as I would hate to break one. They really are so special. It certainly makes the morning tea extra nice. I also made cup cakes, shortbread and scones with jam and cream! I have also added photos of my crab apples and the jam I made with them. If you haven’t tried crab apple jelly, you should! it’s a lovely jam that is sweet but yet tart!

Have a look! Doesn’t it all look yummy!







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Day 3 in San Francisco

Today was a relaxed morning. Robin has been suffering bad toothache for 3 days now so it was time to sort out a dentist to see him and sort it out. Appointment was made for 12.30 so we decided to go and try out a San Francisco tram. We only had to walk 2 blocks to get to it and it was $6 for the trip. Not too bad as it was one experience we really wanted to do, especially as you see them going up and down the steep streets on movies, and wonder what it would be like to ride on one personally. It was great. Only two people are allowed to travel outside on the back and Judy and I were the two people. I videoed nearly the whole trip. We got off at Chinatown so we could wander through but stopped at Starbucks for a coffee first. Robin then left us for his dentist appointment. Judy Len and I had fun exploring as many of the shops as possible and also had a lovely lunch at a chinese restaurant. We even walked all the way back to the Hotel as it was a lovely sunny day and actually really relaxing just wandering along.

Judy and I left Len about 3 blocks from the Hotel to do a bit of shopping before we leave San Francisco. The first real time of shopping with no time limits. And did we have fun. I only spent about $125 but loved every minute of the spend!

We decided to have tea at the Rainforest Cafe again as it is only down the road and serves fabulous meals. Another nice dinner to add to our growing list!

Home to pack our bags to 1. see if everything fits in and 2. see if there is room for any more shopping! We have until 5.20 tomorrow to fill in. At 5.20 the courtisy van takes us to the airport for our trip home! I can’t believe that that time has come so quickly. And yet….I find it hard to recall everything that we have done in the 6 weeks. It has been a very full trip with lots of happy moments and memories made. I have loved every single bit of the holiday and would do it all again if I could!

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Day 2 in San Francisco

A nice early start this morning. We were being picked up for our tour to Monterey and Carmel by 8.30 and we had to have breakfast first. Ihop was the choice again as we really enjoyed our breakfast there yesterday.

The tour bus picked us up and took us to the depot ready for the tour. And there we waited for the next hour. The bus was held up in a traffic jam caused by Barak Obama. He was visiting the town and was going by in his car. All the roads were stopped to make way for him. Finally we got on our way over one hour later than we should have. Monterey is a three hour drive south and we were stopping there for 2 hours, driving on to Carmel and staying there for one hour.

The trip was really scenic and thankfully the bus driver stopped a few times for us to get out and take some photos. We travelled along the coast line and the road changed from being sea level to very high…looking down the cliffs to the land and sea below. Monterey was a lovely town built for the cannery industry. Many of the large cannery sheds are now converted to shops especially for the tourists. There is also a big Aquarium there and many restaurants. We chose to have our lunch at Bubba Gumps Shrimp Restaurant. Now that is a great experience including trivia questions about the movie during the lunch time.

We travelled past some very rich properties to Carmel including a private 17 mile road (which we had to pay to go on). The road had 2 big golf courses, one we stopped at to take photos. Clint Eastwood, Nicholas Cage and a few other ‘stars’ own the golf course and it reaked of money! I needed to go to the toilet while we were there exploring and taking photos…so I just used the toilet at the club rooms. They were just like a first class hotel with special cloth towels to dry your hands and extremely tidy and clean. I found out later that we were suppose to use the public toilets! Oops…no one said anything to me so hopefully no one noticed.

As we left so much later in the morning we didn’t get back to San Francisco until 10.30pm, and we still had to wait until all the people were dropped off at their hotels. We were one of the last drop offs. It was a fabulous day! I hadn’t realised that we were going so far, but it is now great to be able to say that not only did we go to San Francisco, we also went down to Monterey and Carmel. Very nice indeed 🙂

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San Francisco Day 1

Well…after staying up til as late as possible, and trying to get into the time zone as quickly as possible, I woke up at 11.30pm…ready for the new day! I got up in the dark and checked the time on my cell phone. I couldn’t believe it was only 11.30 so fumbled for my watch to check. In the dark I read 11.30 as 6am. I thought the others are still asleep so I will try to sleep in a bit longer and wake again when they did. I thought 6am was pretty good and I will cope with the day fine! Feeling rather good about getting into the time zone rather well. Next time I woke I checked the time again as everyone was still asleep…I stirred to look as Len asked me if I was awake. And no!!! I do not share a bed with Len! We are in a room with 2 double beds! Len asked me if I knew what time it was and I said it must be around 8am. When he said it was 2.30 I couldn’t believe it. I felt ready for the day again and it was like torture to just lay in bed. I finally managed to sleep again and woke up with everyone else at 5am. It was time to get up…we couldn’t wait any longer.

We had booked a city tour which started at 9.40am so our next step was to find a place for breakfast. Blow me down….next door is an Ihop! Ihop is an amazing place for a breakfast menu specialising in pancakes and crepes…along with the usual bacon eggs etc! Off we went and joined the queue for breakfast. Tomorrow we will come down earlier and miss the crowd! Well worth the wait though as it is so yummy!

Our tour of the city sights was great. First stop was the Golden Gate Bridge, second the view from the Twin Sisters. Lots of photos taken at both places folks! We also went to Ocean Beach and viewed heaps of other places from the bus. A great tour!

Our Tour finished at about 1.30 so we went to Fishermans wharf again and experienced lunch at Rainforest Cafe. What a neat place to eat! The whole place is done up like a forest with animals everywhere. Everynow and then the animals move and make sounds and then about every hour there is a thunder storm. The whole room darkens, thunder sounds and then it lights up with flashes of lightening. Of course this disturbs the animals so they move and make sounds as well. Oh by the way the food is great too!

We wandered the shops and found our way back to the hotel. All of us could hardly keep our eyes open and it was only 9pm. I think I was the first asleep again! What a great day though 🙂

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And we are off!

A very early morning today! We had to get the rental car back to sixt, take our baggage out of the rental and load it into their airport shuttle van, and get to the airport by 8am. It was a bit of a stressy drive to the rental place, rather unnecessarily so as there were hardly any cars on the road. London doesn’t come alive very early on a Sunday as the shops etc are closed until 11.30! Fabulous idea I think! We had a couple of hours to fill in at the airport but that was okay as we had a lovely leisurely breakfast to drown out our sorrow of that part of our holiday being over! Not that we are not thankful. It ha been amazing! But it means that normal life is just around the corner!

The flight went quite fast…although 10 hours long. I watched 3 movies!  All approx 2 hours long each. The best was a movie about an autistic boy who lost his father in Sept 11 at the World trade Centre. I cried most of the way through the movie! I think it was called ‘Extremely loud incredibly close’. We arrived in San Francisco at 1.30pm to a beautiful hot and sunny day.

We are staying at the Raddison at Fishermans wharf. So, once we were unpacked, we wandered off to discover Fishermans wharf. It was buzzing with thousands of people and street performers. We had a lovely meal at one of the many fish based restaurants….all while we were fighting off falling asleep. Our bodies were still in UK time and it was the middle of the night for us! We even went through the wax museum to fil in time. I thought it was great! I was the only one of us who hadn’t been through one before!

We finally hit the sack at 9.30 exhausted! I was asleep first believe it or not! First time in the whole trip! I was so tired! Anyway so far San Francisco looks great! I am going to enjoy the next 3 days 🙂

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Windlesham and Windsor – Our final day in England!

We had a fabulous evening with Daniel and Marysia and a really good nights sleep. The plans for today were to do the walk through Windsor Park starting off at Virginia Waters, and then walk the long mile and end up at the Castle. We woke to a beautiful sunny and hot day. So pleased as it would have been less fun to walk it in the rain. We had planned for Glenda to get to Dan and Marysias place and we go together, but she got stuck in traffic and was running late. So the plan was changed and we met Glenda at the park.

The walk was great and along with the views we had plenty of time to chat and enjoy each others company. We arrived at Windsor Castle just after lunch time so we found a cafe and had lunch together. After lunch we walked down to the river and looked at the swans and the boats. Lots of families were at the river and surrounding parks because of the beautiful sunny day.

We had to catch the 6pm bus back to the gates to Virginia Waters and the Windsor walk entrance so there was time to have a coffee at a cafe near the Castle. We arrived back at Daniels around 6.45pm. Glenda was able to stay for tea so we all went to the local Indian restaurant and enjoyed our last meal together.

What a fabulous time we have had in England! Tomorrow morning at 6am we are off to Heathrow airport to catch our plane to Singapore. This certainly has been a full holiday! It’s hard to remember the details of our whole time away. I will be reading this blog to help jog the memories. Onto the next chapter of the holiday….

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Bournemouth to Daniel and Marysias place

After a reasonable nights sleep we were up bright and early to get started on our big trip to Windlesham. We had so much planned. Our first stop was a little pub in Bournemouth for breakfast. We found a park on the sea front and were blessed with amazing views over the ocean. The sky was a beautiful blue and hardly any clouds and the sea was calm. Bournemouth has an amazing beach, and Poole even better. They just don’t get a long hot summer!

Len has family in Tiptoe, which is just north of Bournemouth and in the New Forest. New Forest is very different from other parts of England as it has lots of wide open spaces and also forestry areas. It also has animals roaming free all over. You see horses, deer and cows often and they are very near the road. We travelled through New Forest after having a lovely morning tea with Lens cousin and his wife.

We drove on to Salisbury to have a look through the Salisbury Cathedral. It is a great Cathedral to visit as the grounds are well kept and picturesque, and the Cathedral itself is very tall, big and interesting both on the outside and the inside. We took heaps of photos and decided to have lunch in their cafe as well.

The next place was a place that Judy needed to see. Stonehenge! Len, Robin and I had already seen it, but it was still good to visit again. Once again we took plenty of photos and the added bonus was that we got in free! We brought tickets to the English Heritage when we first left on our tour of England and they have well and truely paid for themselves.

From Stonehenge we had the biggest part of the journey, and that was to get to Henley on Thames to meet up with Glenda for tea. We were so pleased to get there as we were stuck on the motorway for ages as there had been a car accident. Henley on Thames is a beautiful town filled with historic buildings. Glendas place was one of them. We wandered through the town and along the river than had a lovely meal together.

The final part of the trip was to get to Daniel and Marysias at Windlesham. They have such a neat little place and it was so good o finally be with them again. We had a big catch up, had Daniel blow a candle on his belated birthday cake that Marysia had made him, had supper then went to bed. What a very long day…but a very good day as well.

The photos for today were loaded in yesterdays blog by mistake so that is where they will stay until I have time to fix them up. I hope you enjoy looking at them. We have seen some amazing sights!



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Painswick to Bournemouth

What a neat experience staying in our B&B last night. Robin and I slept in a four poster bed that was so high we needed a stool to get up into it. The whole place was centuries old and was in an area surrounded by historical buildings. We all slept really well and even managed to get some washing washed and dried!

Well what a huge day we had today! The list was 1. The Cotswolds 2. Bristol Suspension Bridge 3. Bath 4. Shaftesbury – Gold Hill 5. Burnemouth and tea with Robins family! The distance travelled seeemed like MILES! Both Judy and I are getting a little sick of sitting inthe back of the car. Worst of all is having no control! Anyone who knows me knows that I am a control freak!

But the day was great! We saw so much and loved it all. The Cotsdwolds are very picturesque to drive through. We stopped at a couple of the little villages to look around and see the historic houses closer up. One place was Bibery which had a trout farm and also one of the most pretty streets in England. I will add some photos of this place.

Bristol Suspension bridge was a recommendation by all the visitors guides, so we just had to divert to Bristol to check it out. We weren’t disappointed..it was quite a sight…and long and very high. We stopped under it for some photos but it just didn’t look as good as in real life.

Now Bath!! If you haven’t been to Bath, you have to add that to your ‘bucket list’. It HAS to be done. What an amazingly pretty historic town. Very much built on Roman influence. We included a visit into the Roman Baths this time. I was so pleased as I have been to Bath before so I had seen most of the touristy spots, but not inside the Baths. It was like a museum and very interesting 🙂

We have a photo at home of Barbara (Robins Mum) walking up a very steep hill with Ken and Margater Pittwood. The little houses in the photo are so quaint and old. I have always wanted to go to that very same spot. So that was our next port of call. Shaftesbury! We arrived around 5pm. Parked the car and walked Gold hill looking at the distant views on the way and also those very same little houses as in the photo. Such a great thing to do.

Next thing was piling into the car and driving as fast as we could to get to Bournemouth. The only trouble was the roads were very narrow, windy and hilly! The trip took much longer that we thought. But we also saw some very good views the whole trip. We arrived in Bournemouth at 8.15pm and booked into our B&B! Went to KFC and brought the worst tea of our whole holiday….yuck! But we didn’t have time to do anything different for tea as we had to take it around to Ken and Margarets place and eat it there. We are running out of holiday time very fast! But, we did have a lovely evening with the Bournemouth Pittwoods (well 3 of them) and had a pretty late night. The internet was useless at our B&B, so once again I could update my blog or load any photos.

My goodness have we stayed at some interesting places, seen some amazing things and had lots of laughs….so good for the soul 🙂


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Fishguard to Painswick

There’s not a lot to say about today as we were catching the Ferry then driving on the motorway for most of the day. Not a lot of photos taken either, so I will load them up with the next days photos 🙂

I overate last night and suffered a very windy tummy all night. So it was a restless night for me! The tea was so nice though. I think it was all the garlic in the gravy! When the alarm went off at 6am, I wasn’t very happy. It was way too early to get up, but we had a ferry to catch. During the night I decided not to eat any breakfast but when we got down to the dining room and I saw the food…and I ate it all up! Our accommodation was great and the owners were very friendly 🙂

We got to the ferry terminal within about 5 minutes as it was just down the road. The boat trip lasted 3 hours and was a pretty calm sailing (thank goodness). We had a bit of a distance to travel so we got on the road only stopping for a quick lunch and a drink later on. When you drive down the M4 you don’t really get to see much scenery, so when we got closer to our Bed and Breakfast we left the motorway and travelled down the country roads for more views.

As we got closer to our B&B the roads got narrower and narrower until it was just a single lane. We really wondered if the tom tom was leading us wrong, but eventually we got to the place and found out that we had come through a back road. It was quite an experience. I booked our B&B through last minute.com while we were on the ferry, so I was a little bit worried that it wouldn’t really be suitable. There weren’t many available so we couldn’t be fussy. Thankfully we are all very happy with it. It is a historic building that has been done up and converted into a B&B and it is so nice. We haven’t stayed in anything like it before and we feel really blessed to have the experience!

We had tea at the restaurant downstairs which is run by a lovely Romanian couple. Another super meal! After tea we went for a walk to have a look around the local area. It is full of historical buildings with narrow roads. We love it! We have taken some photos but it was getting late and they are a little dark. I will add them anyway when we get internet next. Only 3 more nights in the UK after tonight. Sadly we are getting to the end of this fabulous holiday, but we have so many memories and thousands of photos 🙂