We lost Len!!!
Well actually Len got lost!!!
We went on a ‘add on’ tour to the little town of Szentendre. Szentendre is a riverside town in Pest county, and it has become a popular destination for tourists staying in Budapest. It is such a cute place filled with old buildings, souvenier shops and restaurants. We went on a walking tour with a very informative guide, and were then left to find a restaurant for lunch, and to meet after lunch at our bus.

During our time in Szentendre we visited The Mikro Csodak museum. This museum contained artwork of Mikola Szjadrisztij. His artwork consists of tiny, tiny carvings which are seen with microscope lenses. Pictures above each item explain what they are and what they are made of in several languages, including English. It was fascinating looking at the carvings. Robin managed to get a photo of one through the microscope.

We found a lovely restaurant down by the river. The tour director always gave us an hour to an hour and a half for lunch. Sadly the restaurants always used most of the time up in preparation and we needed to rush the eating to get back to the bus on time. At Szentendre we finished eating only five minutes before we were meant to be back at the bus. Len likes to walk slowly after eating so he left a little earlier. When we all got back to the bus, there was no Len! Oh my goodness the panic then started! Robin, Judy and Teresa went off in different directions. The decision was for the four of them to catch a taxi back to Budapest once they had found Len. Our tour guide suggested I stay on our bus so the others would fit in one taxi. As we were about to leave another Insight Vacations bus was seen to be at Szentendre and the tour director was asked if they could transport Len, Judy, teresa and Robin back to Budapest once Len was found. They had one hour to find him!
I sat on our bus waiting for a message that Len was found. Which he was, and eventually we all had a very happy but emotional reunion back in Budapest. What a worrying experience it was. Thankfully Len was okay and just a misjudgement in the walking route taken. We were all so worried it was a health issue. It was a wake up call for all of us. We all need to appreciate our loved ones and friends. Without them life just wouldn’t be the same.